Drug Use Believed to Have Caused Two Separate Accidents

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) Police officers help extradited a 23 year old woman who attempted to turn in front of another vehicle Tuesday afternoon and was involved in a rollover of her jeep at the corner of Mary and Main. Maricela Vargas of Littleton, Colorado was transported to St. Catherine Hospital for minor injuries. Police say she will be cited for suspicion for being under the influence of drugs causing the accident.
Early Wednesday morning shortly before 2 officers attempted to stop a truck for not having a vehicle tag starting a high speed chase which started on the 500 block of Main Street. When the truck came to the intersection of Burnside and Highway 83 it went down an embankment. One of the four occupants in the tuck suffered minor injuries. The 21 year old driver Jason Sanford of Garden City was cited for driving under the influence of drugs, 2 counts of aggravated battery and 2 counts of aggravated kidnapping.