February 16, 2025

Robert L. Wells
Age: 62
Died: Thursday, March 10, 2016 at Kearny County Hospital in Lakin
Born: January 12, 1954 at Dodge City
Parents: Harry LeRoy & Mary Lois (Martin) Wells
Marriages: to Pam Sprenkle, later to Carla Buckholt 

Membership: United Methodist Church of Lakin
Charter Member of Masonic Lodge of Dodge City

Robert graduated from Dodge City High School in 1972 and played on the state championship football team. He worked for 28 years at Sunflower Electric in Holcomb. He started on the floor, moved to a Replacement Shift Supervisor and for the last 10 years there was a Control Room Operator. He farmed after retiring from Sunflower. He was preceded in death by his Parents, Step-Father- Jack Orr & 1 Sister- Helen Ljundhal.

Survivors: Wife Carla Buckholt-Wells Home
3 Daughters Rachel & Gunar Harmon Idaho Springs, Colorado
Amee Wells Falls Church, Virginia
Monica Wells Topeka
2 Step-Sons Carl Buckholt Carrollton, Texas
John Buckholt Fort Worth, Texas
Sister Dr Harriet Phelps Maricopa, Arizona
2 Step-Sisters Renea Sturm Kansas City
Mae Wells Davenport, Iowa 9 Grandchildren Oliver, James, Ryan, Matt, Grant, Jonmarc, Vladmir, Victor & Brennan
1 Great-Grandchild Aida  

Funeral Service: 2:00 PM Saturday
Place: United Methodist Church in Lakin
Officiating: Rev Tod Anthony
Graveside Service: 11:00 AM Monday
Place: Wayne Cemetery in Lewis
Memorials: United Methodist Church-Missions
In care of Garnand Funeral Home
Calling Hours: 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM Friday, 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM Saturday
At Garnand Funeral Home in Lakin
Condolences may be posted at www.garnandfuneralhomes.com