February 13, 2025

Storm Chaser O’Neal Tells Us How It All Started

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Dodge City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) We may never understand their passion, but what they are called to do is to live life on the edge.  For longtime storm chaser Ed O’ Neal his motivation started early in life.



Forty-nine years later O’ Neal still chases storms and follows this rule to keep safe.

O’Neal is part of KWCH-TV Storm Tracker coverage.  A lot of technological advances have enhanced the way O’Neal covers a storm.

The public can also access this information.  If you’re just starting out and want to begin chasing storms, here is what O’Neal recommends.

O’ Neal has a facebook page at Southwest Kansas Storm Chasing and live streams at stormchasertv.com.

*On-air story*


photos used with permission

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